quinta-feira, 29 de março de 2007

O mais Criativo

Para quem ainda não sabe, decorreu, durante cinco dias, uma votação no youtube para de apurarem quais os melhores filmes(clipes) alguma vez lá postados.
Irei lococar no blog alguns deles... comecmos então pelo, considerado, o mais criativo!

"2006 was a pioneering year for online video, user-created content and the YouTube community. You let us into your bedrooms, created new forms of entertainment, and radicalized popular culture. Now it's time to reflect on what a tremendous year it was and recognize the best of the best during the first YouTube Video Awards.

After five days of fervent ranking, the YouTube community selected these seven videos as the champions. Congratulations to all the winners!"

Clica Aqui para veres a lista dos sete melhores.

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